Does Unlimited Vacation Equal No Vacation? ... David Wachtendonk. 5. September 27, 2008 5:49 pm Link. Thanks for the mention in this article, when Misnomer was up for IdeaBlob we all pitched in and I truly belived in their ?idea? more then others on the site especially since I know them. So I think the site did a good job ?measuring the support? of their idea. I think it's fairly safe to say that more support someone can generate, the more confident you can be their idea ...
... St. Marien ist stolz darauf, dass ihr bisheriger Pfarrer Stefan Zekorn eine besondere geistliche Würdigung erfährt: Der 51-Jährige wird am Sonntag im St.-Paulus-Dom Münster zum Bischof geweiht. Weiterlesen bei webnews:Wachtendonk ...
Jim Wachtendonk Jingles Only JMC w/Kid Kut Joel P Trio John Murdoch / Scott Caldwell John Roach John Wiedencombe (Widdecombe?) Johnny B and the Leisure Suits Julien Kelly McHale. Kevin Clark Kiljoys Kilroy Knupp + Watson Kristy Larson ...